Sunday, 9 March 2008

Just a quickie

Thought I ought to post as it's the Official Weigh-In Day of Doom. Managed to lose 3.5lb which isn't bad but nowhere near as much as I'd lost on Friday morning. But only 1.75lb to lose to hit five stone gone so keeping my fingers crossed for next week. Might be a bit of a struggle as the in-laws are here for three days and taking us out to dinner on Wednesday so much food and wine is in the offing. But did a walk today and haven't eaten the calories so they're in the bank. Unless I eat them later as I'm famished. Right, best go and help Jim do my job application - bless him! Cross everything - if I get this job I might be able to afford to join a gym.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Like a tart's knickers

Sorry to our more sensitive readers for the crude analogy but my weight is up and down like panties with loose elastic at the moment. I get really chuffed that I've dropped a couple of pounds but then, hey presto, there they are the next day winking at me. We're back! Did you miss us? Grrr! On Friday, I'd even dropped below the magical 5 stone barrier but, oh no, that wasn't going to last and four and a half pounds were stacked on this morning. But they might b*gger off again by tomorrow as I had booze last night which always gives me a temporary gain. Or permanent in the case of last week's Stella binge. I might have to change my official weigh-in day from a Sunday as it means Saturday night drinks are a no-no. Not that I go out and down 12 alcopops and flash my knickers in the city centre while vomiting up a kebab (often, anyway!) but sometimes we have guests and go out for dinner. I might even have a dinner party soon - there's posh!

Unfortunately for me, that means keeping up with the Joneses and the last dinner party I went to had four courses - bacon, avocado and parmesan salad, shepherd's pie, apple and pear crumble and cheese - and copious quantities of wine to wash it down. So that's what I have to match. I'm thinking of buffalo mozzarella, avocado and tomato salad followed by lasagne and salad then chocolate brownies with raspberries and ice cream and then cheese. Or should it be cheese before pudding, as the French do? Then you can finish your red wine with it. But I don't often have any wine left and I'll probably get a bottle of port for the cheese course. If I'm feeling flash, I might bake a loaf of raisin and rosemary bread to have alongside the biscuits. And, of course, the lasagne and brownies will be homemade - Jamie Oliver for the lasagne and Nigella for the brownies, with Green and Black's chocolate, mmmm!

So I'll be saving my calories for that week to accommodate the extra grub and vino. We might have to have it on the Friday night as one of the guests sings at the cathedral on Sunday mornings so can't do late Saturday nights. And I might, just might, be working by then. The swines at the Ministry of Doom have now decided that I can't start work until April and the new tax year. April!! I'll be eating rubbish from people's bins by then, such is our cash drought. There's nothing I can do about it but I'm going to apply for another job in the meantime that pays more money and hope I get it. And I have to go for a medical next Friday due to my health issues. And take my medication with me. Why? Can't I just tell them what I'm on? It's not Show and Tell. And the Nazis at the Job Centre are trying to make me find a temp job for the next three weeks. Which I really ought to do, to be honest as we need the money, but I hate temping. But I might give some agencies a call on Monday morning and pimp myself.

They'd better not expect me to wear a suit as I don't possess one and never intend to. Black trousers (M&S size 22 elasticated waist) and a shirt or wrap dress will have to do. Not the dress I tried on last week (see last post) as I managed not only to not fit into it but to actually break it due to my girth! It has a ribbon that ties inside to another ribbon and they snapped as I was trying to pull them too tightly. So it'll be another stone or two before that dress is resurrected. But I might have to donate some clothes to the local charity emporium as some of my size 28 tops/short dresses are hanging off me. I thought they'd be okay for a little longer but I look like Demis Roussos which isn't exactly foxy. And when I sit down, they sag forwards and flash my bra. Not nice.

I'm not sure whether or not to update my dress size on here as my jeans are a size 24 and I could definitely fit into size 24 tops. But I think the jeans are lying to me and are really more like a 26 so I'm loathe to paint myself as smaller than I am in case the over confidence comes back to bite me. I tried on some size 26 jeans in Evans and they only just fitted so I'm not sure whether my jeans (Amelie May from the defunct Etam) are generous or the Evans ones are skimpy. I think I'll leave it for now. Right, Liverpool v Newcastle is the featured match on Sky Sports so I'm going to pour myself a generous glass of... water and watch the game. Will be back tomorrow for the weekly weigh-in. Let's hope it's the equivalent of knickers round the ankles!

Monday, 3 March 2008

Tired and emotional

Humorous Pictures
Enter the ICHC online Poker Cats Contest!I've been meaning to post for days but haven't been in the best of moods so thought I'd spare you the pity party. I've not cheered up that much today, to be honest, but thought I ought to post or I'd give up the blog completely and I don't want to do that as it's a useful tool for me to express my thoughts about my weight loss. Or lack of loss, as this week would have it. I had a bad week, to put it mildly, and have put on 4.75lb - grrr! I did have pizza twice, two lots of fish and chips, ice cream, wine and - on one night - nine (count 'em) pints of Stella followed by a kebab AND butter and pate on toast!!!! Serves me right, I know. That magic five stone mark is looking even more elusive. And I'm still craving pizza today.

Part of the reason is my knackeredness through not sleeping very well and having a constant headache because of that. I'm trying to cut down one of my medications as it's linked to diabetes but it's wrecking my sleep. This makes me tired and grumpy and not in the mood for walking and eating healthily so I pig out on rubbish and promise that tomorrow will be another day. I got back on the straight and narrow yesterday but today is proving a struggle. Domino's is calling my name very loudly and I'm about to cave in. I suppose if I do that I can claw the calories back through exercise during the rest of the week but I feel so weak and helpless at the moment.

The uncertainty about my job doesn't help. I received a phone call last week asking me when I'd like to start, even though the pre-employment checks aren't complete, so I said today. They then phoned back saying they might like me to start next Monday (10th) but would confirm on Friday. They didn't. Then I received a Criminal Records Bureau form to fill out and the accompanying letter said that the checks can take up to 25 working days and that I wouldn't be "offered employment" until they had a satisfactory result. Does this mean I won't be starting next week? I tried to call and find out several times but nobody is answering the phone, leaving me very frustrated and worried. And wanting to eat.

And today's my six-month anniversary of starting my diet so I want to be good. There are positives. I'm ahead of schedule and have dropped two (or three, if you believe my jeans - I don't) dress sizes. My BMI has dropped by almost 9 points and I'm within shouting distance of just being obese, rather than morbidly so. I've lost inches and over four and a half stone. But it was almost five stone last week so I can't help but feel disappointed, which is daft. I can fit into clothes that wouldn't go near me six months ago and I bought a cardigan coat from Monsoon in a size 20 rather than a size 22 - both fitted and the 20 was a touch snug but I figure that I'm going to carry on losing weight so it will prove a better buy in the long run. I might go and try on a dress I haven't been able to wear for over two years and see if it will fasten. If it does, I'll be good and have an apple. if not, I might give in and order pizza. I almost hope it doesn't, greedy cow that I am!