Sunday, 9 March 2008

Just a quickie

Thought I ought to post as it's the Official Weigh-In Day of Doom. Managed to lose 3.5lb which isn't bad but nowhere near as much as I'd lost on Friday morning. But only 1.75lb to lose to hit five stone gone so keeping my fingers crossed for next week. Might be a bit of a struggle as the in-laws are here for three days and taking us out to dinner on Wednesday so much food and wine is in the offing. But did a walk today and haven't eaten the calories so they're in the bank. Unless I eat them later as I'm famished. Right, best go and help Jim do my job application - bless him! Cross everything - if I get this job I might be able to afford to join a gym.


Pam said...

Well, I think it's great. I wish I could summon the will power to do the same. At the moment I'm sunk in gloom - depressed son-in-law very depressed, which casts a blight over us all. If only this would make me unable to eat at least there would be some comfort.

Anyway: good for you!

Lesley said...

Well done - 3.5 is great and you're v close to the big 5 stone marker. Keep it up and take the rellies out for some walks too. Surely they want to help you in your quest???

Lesley x

Mrs said...

Lesley's right; why not see if they want to join in rather than set you back?

When you hit that 5 stone mark, you will be - rightly -v.proud of your efforts.

Keep going, Alison!!!!!!!!!!!

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mrs said...

How are you, Alison?

Thinking of you.

Big kiss.

Mrs Lard xxxx