Saturday 9 February 2008

The Waiting Game

Sorry for the radio silence folks but I've been waiting for news about my job(s) before posting. And waiting. And waiting. And I still haven't heard so I thought I'd better post anyway so you know I'm still alive. I had my telly job interview 9 days ago and they said they would let me know by Monday. Monday came and went as did Tuesday and on Wednesday I plucked up the courage to call them. "We haven't decided yet" was the response. "We'll let you know as soon as we can". But they haven't so I'm stuck in job limbo. But I had another interview yesterday for an admin job at the county court and it seemed to go well so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that. It won't be as exciting or well paid (comparatively) as the TV work but it's a steady job and I need the money and stability of a long contract. So we'll see. They said they'll let me know by mid-week or so, so I'll post as soon as I find out.

I need a job even more than ever as I did a foolish thing yesterday. I was in the centre of town after my interview and, fuelled by a triple shot grande skinny latte, I decided to check out Debenhams beauty hall. I've been coveting a new skincare regime for ages as I still get blemishes and my skin is quite oily so I was pottering around the Estee Lauder counter sniffing moisturisers and the sales lady nabbed me. She was very knowledgeable and lovely and sat me down to discuss my skincare "needs". Everything seemed so nice that I bought seven - count 'em - products and spent £200!!!!!!! Luckily, I have a very kind and patient husband who didn't kill me but we don't really have the money to be spending a sum like that on fripperies and treats. But I've done it now and they're sitting proudly on my bathroom shelf, all shiny and new. Let's hope they work.

I'm a little hungover this morning as we went out to a friend's for dinner last night and had rather a lot to drink. And eat. The diet isn't going enormously well at the moment as I put on 1.75lb last week and was too ashamed to post. I know it's some kind of weird plateau but I've lost the plot a bit and eaten far too much this week. Although that could help as I read that eating maintenance calories for a week then going back to the diet kick starts your weight loss again. I haven't weighed myself this week but I have a sneaky feeling I've gained gain. But I'm going to be strict from tomorrow and hope that I start losing again as I'm getting a bit disheartened. I can't start today as we're off to Swindon for our nephew's first birthday party and some cake might find its way into my mouth!

I'm even considering Lighterlife (any tips, Mrs L?) or the Cambridge Diet if I don't see a loss soon. I'll keep plugging away at calorie counting for a while yet but I'm worried that I've stopped losing weight this way and I'll have to try something more extreme. Plus, it would be good to see some big losses in the first couple of weeks to inspire me and make me stick to a food-free diet. And I'd probably lose the weight faster on a VLCD. Hmm, I'm almost talking myself into giving it a go. But I'm not at desperation point yet and I do like my food too much. I just need to go cold turkey on treats and up the exercise next week and be patient (not my strong point). I'll post my weight tomorrow and blog a bit more to keep me on track.

Right, I have a banging headache (naughty wine!) and need to go to Boots for some heavy duty painkillers. I may even have to get a can of fat coke to wash them down. But I'll draw the line at a fried breakfast!

1 comment:

Mrs said...

Hi Alison

WELL DONE FOR POSTING! In capitals because I am shouting encouragement.

I am going to think about your post and blog on mine and...hopefully come up with an answer!

Thinking of you!

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx