Sunday, 20 January 2008

Ouch! In more ways than one...

Very quick update today as I have a stinky headache. Have put on 0.75lb this week, which is better than the 2.25lb it was earlier in the week but still a bit grump-making as I haven't been THAT naughty. I suppose my body could be adjusting after losing 11lb in the past two weeks but I still hate gaining. Hopefully I'll lose something this week to get me to that 4 stone mark. Will post tomorrow after many painkillers. Mwah!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Oh dear, hope things are improving. Your weight loss is so impressive, tiny gain or not. I wish I could summon up the will power to get going myself. I don't have a huge amount to lose but a couple of stone would be great. And what exactly is stopping me...? Oh, I don't know.

Have you ever tried frozen grapes, by the way? An American friend told me about them - just grapes that you've put in the freezer. They're really nice - and you can't eat all that many of them because your tummy gets cold!